MFM called finally!
Theodore slept through the night for the first time this month and we are all feeling better this morning. Not one tantrum this whole morning! Hallelujah!
I put him down for his nap without a fuss and got the phone call.
They unanimously agreed they are comfortable allowing my pregnancy to progress normally. If I go into labor naturally, they're okay with it. If not, they have agreed to wait until November 1st to induce labor! Six more weeks! My baby girl gets at least six more weeks with us! (Well, I mean possibly but I can't even tell you how much time matters in this situation. I'll take the chance!)
If you've been following then you're aware there's also been big debate about delivery method. They've all agreed that if Abigail is presenting breach, they would prefer to deliver her that way. If however she is still head down, we will try that first. If labor isn't progressing, the team would like to try turning her breach before considering a c-section. The team's main reason for preferring breach is that without her skull, Abigail will most likely have trouble initiating labor and labor could be quite long. Our main reason for preferring breach is to avoid putting any stress on Abigail's exposed wound during pushing.
We still prefer a live birth, obviously. But we acknowledge we are taking a big risk by waiting until November 1st (41w+1d) to induce. They've told us from the beginning that Abigail won't make it full term and will die in utero. My stubborn little lady is defying the odds and showing them just what can happen when babies with anencephaly are given the chance to grow.
God has sustained us this far and while we know we are not guaranteed tomorrow, we have chosen this path because it is the best way we can think of to put the timing of Abigail's birth 100% in His hands. More time in the womb does mean more time to pass away in the womb. BUT it also means more time to live. We believe we are making the best choice - not necessarily for us, but for Abigail.
So November 1st! Unless I go into labor naturally, unless a medical concern pops up between now and then, and unless Abby passes away in utero. November 1st. We are relieved. Something normal is finally happening in this pregnancy. Here's a happy picture to celebrate!

Photo Credit: Kelly Laramore Photography