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Happy Birthday, Abigail!

Writer's picture: Marcy JuddMarcy Judd

Abigail Esme Judd made her debut at 9:15 pm on October 21. 2022. She was born at the perfect time, in the perfect place, surrounded by the perfect crowd and 100% perfectly, fearfully, and wonderfully made. She was born alive.

We were able to keep her for 39 weeks + 4 days before she and Jesus decided it was time for her to come. And after she was born we were able to keep her for an additional hour and about 15 minutes before she peacefully slipped into the arms of Jesus. She never suffered and was held her entire life.

Abigail was active kicking Mommy right up until she decided quite without Mommy's permission that she was ready to come out. Labor felt quick and easy today. While Michael and my friends and family who popped in and out will try to tell you what a rockstar I am for laboring pain med free, I promise you it was all Jesus. This was not a natural labor - it was supernaturally full of mercy, peace, joy, and love.

There are so many details and so much I could share but what I want everyone to know about Abigail's birthday is how incredibly beautiful it was and how obvious it was that it was divinely orchestrated in every way.

When I put Theo down for his nap today contractions had already been coming for an hour. I wasn't sure that they wouldn't just go away again like all the other prelabor contractions I'd been having all month. But I prayed with Theo a little bit like we always do and somewhat in a new way too. We prayed that Abby would continue to grow big and strong. That God would heal her but that if He wouldn't heal her on this side of heaven, that He would give us the mercy to get to meet her alive before she went to live with Him in heaven. We prayed that if this was real labor, that it would be an easy labor for her sake - and I jokingly added "and an easy labor for me too." We prayed that Theo would get to make sweet memories with his baby sister and that there would be enough time for everyone to get here who really needed to be here. And then we told God we believe He is good and to give us the strength to trust in Him - not in an outcome.

There are small details that didn't go my ideal way. But I have such overwhelming peace that those details don't matter to me. There are far, far too many answers to prayers that I didn't expect a yes to. I believe God was honored in Abigail's life - perhaps more today than any other day. I've been telling Theo that any day Abigail comes would be a good day. And it is true. Yesterday was the day the Lord made and today is the day He has made too.

Theo got to help pick out cupcakes and balloons for Abby. We got to tell her how incredibly loved she is. She was blessed and commended back into God's care in the presence of SO many friends and family (I don't even know who all was here! It was a crowd!). And honestly, she was never not in His care anyway. I continue to be in His care as well.

I am not naive. The pain and the mourning will come. But the peace and relief is so tangible to me right now - the presence of God and of His protection and care is so very real right now - that the sorrow hasn't been able to touch me yet. It will come. But for now I wanted you all to know that Abby has had a good birthday. And October 21st was a GOOD good day and night.

The only way I can think to describe how I've felt for the last several hours is to say that my heart and her heart are one. She is at complete peace in His presence and I also am at complete peace in His presence. And all that is left for me to say is what Hannah said:

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give [her] to the Lord. For [her] whole life [she] will be given over to the Lord.” And [she] worshiped the Lord there.”

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬


4 comentarios

01 nov 2022

You’ve brought me tears of joy and sorrow Marcy. October 21 is my daughters birthday so I was imagining me being you and I could not comprehend it. I pray that this peace you are feeling stays with you and that you know you are sharing gods love with so many people. Lots of love to you, Mindy Briggs

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Marcy Judd
Marcy Judd
03 sept 2023
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Thank you, Mindy. That peace HAS stayed with us. Miraculously, mercifully, beautifully. I was naive. I thought crushing pain and sorrow would come. There have been tears. But nothing close to the grief I thought we’d be subject too. The peace remains.

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Barb Kruse
Barb Kruse
25 oct 2022

God continually amazes me. I wish I had been able to meet your precious Abigail. I do hope to someday meet Theo. Abigails life will, like a drop of water on a lake, reverberate outward and touch many lives. May your family be filled with blessings and comfort as your journey on.

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24 oct 2022

Marcy and Michael, the courage and strength you showed throughout your pregnancy and Abigail's birth simply amazes me. I'm glad I was able to share in your journey with you. My thoughts are with you and your family. I wish I had been there to meet your beautiful daughter.

Sarah Denson

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Abigail Speaks

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and do not have any formal medical training. Information and advice on this site and on my blog are purely reflective of our personal experience and should never take the place of sound medical advice from a doctor.

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