February 12, 2022
It's been 13 months and 12 days since we officially began trying for baby #2. Last night was the first night (according to my cycle) that I could begin taking daily pregnancy tests until my period finally arrives.
I was pretty certain I couldn't be pregnant. I never got a positive ovulation test this last cycle and my progesterone results were poor so even if I did ovulate, I figured the egg quality wouldn't be good enough to make a baby. But I'm a creature of routine, so I took the pregnancy test anyway. Plus, I've noticed that this last round with infertility has affected me slightly differently than it did when we were struggling to conceive baby #1. Last time I could wait and wait and wait to take a test. This time I can't resist getting the inevitable heart-crushing news of a daily negative pregnancy test. Somehow it comforts me to get the negative tests ahead of Aunt Flo's arrival - last time I could barely look at a test without falling apart.
I did take a test last night and I thought there might be a second pink line...but it truly was very faint if it was there at all. I didn't believe it so I took a Snapchat photo and sent it to my BFF for her opinion, then went to bed. To be fair I must have had some level of hope because I did send my OB a message on MyChart asking her to order blood work for me.

This morning I of course took more tests (yes, plural) first thing after waking up. Another faint second line but this time I suddenly knew.
I'd taken a snap like this one when I found out about baby #1 - didn't send it to anyone, just kept it so I had it to show baby when they got older - so I've been bringing my phone with me to the bathroom for every negative test for the past year. I wanted to be prepared just in case it ever did happen again so that I could give baby #2 the same love and celebration. You're welcome for the emotional bedhead selfie.
I created some lame errand excuse and rushed out of the house before Michael could become suspicious. I spent the morning doing the blood test, buying a card and fancy digital test from Target, and finding a 2T toddler shirt proclaiming Theo is now a big brother!
When I got home, Michael was putting Theo down for his nap. I quickly peed on the digital test, jotted a note in the card, and stuffed everything in a gift bag I hastily dug out from under the bed.
Michael came out to the living room and I told him I'd decided to give him his Valentine's gift a couple of days early. Here's his reaction...
Happy Valentine's 2022, my Love!